Change is in the Air Throughout The Meetings Industry 


Rachel Carter from Small Market Meetings recently detailed some of the latest meeting trends in the article Navigating Changing Dynamics. Here are some highlights: 

  1. Bleisure Pleasure – attendees, especially millennials, are adding days on to trips for leisure. Destinations with appeal beyond the meeting space are more important than ever. 

  2. Singular Spaces – unique set-ups, settings and venues that are more interesting are desired over the standard conference set. 

  3. Hybridization Here to Stay – attendees are expecting events to move beyond strictly in-person events and embrace broader accessibility through technology. 

  4. Time to Take a Breath – planners are building in more break time for networking, reflection and relaxation. More are including wellness activities and mediations spaces to reduce stress.
    Food and Beverage – the recent trends of CHOICE continues to grow – healthier choices, food choices through stations and food trucks, and even lunch-hour gift cards to local spots! 

  5. Diversity and Inclusion – planners are paying greater attention to diversity in their choices of speakers, handouts and slides and overall accessibility. This begins with a diverse pool of collaborators from preplanning on. 

>> For the full article click HERE.


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