EMERGING IN CHARLOTTE: A Spirit of Hopefulness 


When planning began more than a year ago for Emerge 2021, the RCMA team could have never anticipated the challenges ahead. But the leadership showed great resolve, patience, and flexibility. They never gave up hope and pressed forward with the goal to gather in person. 

Planning was a huge challenge. This is a new frontier with few, if any, examples of what regathering looks like. Thankfully, our partners in Charlotte went above and beyond to prepare each step of the way, setting the stage for a safe event. 

From the very first check-in, the excitement from staff and attendees was palpable. Being away from in-person meetings built up a treasury of gratitude that spilled over into every interaction. From security persons to servers, from suppliers to planners, smiling eyes abounded. We were finally back together!

Before the event, I wondered if protocols would create a sense of distance that would diminish our feeling of togetherness. But as soon as we gathered, the overriding feeling was community and connection. All seemed surprised and grateful at how “normal” the event felt! 

CRVA Vice President of Sales Mike Butts remarked, “Our industry has been tested in many ways that we could never have imagined. But we can see the end of this testing is near. Technology has allowed us to stay connected. But we have a greater need and desire as individuals to be together.”

RCMA President and CEO Harry Schmidt expressed what we all were feeling—“A Spirit of hopefulness abounds here… Our time together is the dawn of a new day. This is the time, the place, and the moment for emerging together.”


Early arrivers were given the opportunity to engage in service with local partners. These projects were designed to provide hope through meeting tangible needs. 

A group traveled to Samaritan's Feet to help organize shoes to send to children in need. Classroom Central organized an assembly of school supply kits to support 200 schools in the Charlotte area. In partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank and the Charlotte Convention Center, Emerge attendees helped prepare boxes of food for needy families. Over one million pounds of food has been distributed by this amazing organization. 

Prayers and thoughts for the well-being of those in need were sent along with these projects. This was a humble effort to provide a ray of hope for people throughout Charlotte. 

“For almost all of us in attendance, this is our first in-person gathering in over a year.  Together we are learning how to pivot what once was and create what will be.  What is most different and moving this year is the sense of #gratitude and feeling of #hope felt throughout.  From the bus driver who shed tears as she thanked us for being here to a gentleman laying the carpet who was glad to be working after being furloughed for 10 months. Together with colleagues and fellow attendees we had the opportunity to volunteer within the community - sharing stories of what we’ve each been through over the past year. 

Thank you to all from  RCMA, Visit Charlotte, the Charlotte Convention Center, the amazing folks at the NASCAR Hall of Fame and those at Second Harvest Food Bank and Atrium Health - who have done an impeccable job of making this in-person experience a model that can be followed heading into the “new normal.”
– Stuart Katz, TAL Tours


“The Queen City is a city filled with hospitality, and the kind of people that just draw you in and make you feel just downright good!” – Harry Schmidt, RCMA President & CEO

The event officially kicked off Tuesday evening at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Wrapped in breathtaking architectural design, attendees were thrilled by this entertainment attraction. The main hall is a grand glass atrium oval, showcasing cars and road surfaces from racetracks throughout the country. 

The museum is filled with over 50 interactive, high-tech exhibits. Some dared to test their speed, competing against their peers in the pit crew challenge and the immersive race simulator. Guests also enjoyed southern cuisine, culminating with a decadent donut-bread pudding served al-a-mode. It was a great way to begin our event with fun, laughter …and comfort food! This opening celebration gave us an opportunity to connect and find joy in community. 


The staff of the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority (CRVA) exhibited excellence in their care for us and all of the details of Emerge. Their team invested a remarkable amount of resources and energy to ensure a safe meeting for RCMA. 

Dr. Schmidt remarked, “Everything that we’ve experienced here has been done with an excellent spirit. Excellence exudes in Charlotte. This is a brilliant building with cascading light. But really what has constructed this excellence has been the heart and soul of the staff. You have made us want to come back. We will do our very best to tell the story of Charlotte wherever we go.”

Tom Murray, CRVA CEO, gave a wholehearted response to the RCMA community, “We know that our success comes from our employees coming to work every day inspired – because they believe they’re making a difference for this community. ”  Mr. Murray continued, “We are so grateful that you made the decision to make this work. We know this wasn’t easy. It wasn’t exactly how we all wanted to do this. But it was more important to be together. We have learned a lot from you. And we also got the joy of being together again, welcoming guests. We are back in the moment, doing what we are good at. You have done that for us, and we really appreciate it.”

“I have never been so emotional attending a business conference in all the years that I've been in this industry. I'm at RCMA Emerge 2021 in Charlotte and at this last luncheon they paused to thank the servers...and the cleaning team...maybe 30 individuals that literally disinfect every conference and break out room after each usage... this team received a generous standing ovation… it was moving... it was inspiring...it was incredible.” 
– Jackie Taggart-Boyd, CTA, CFMP, Cincinnati CVB


Author and hospitality industry expert Simon Bailey energized us with a call to hopeful leadership that thrives in the midst of challenges. “Thirty two years ago, I came to RCMA and I didn’t know if I had what it takes to succeed.” Simon discovered, "RCMA is about relationships. I can EMERGE because you loved me and gave me a shot!"

Simon focused on the opportunity before us, sharing that “we are being invited to embrace adaptive resilience – the ability to overcome the unexpected.” He continued, “Men and women who are able to adapt in the midst of crisis understand that change is not your foe, change is an opportunity to grow.”  He encourages us to lean on our faith, and a patient reliance on inner-strength that “creates agency within you that, in the midst of anything going on, you find hope.”

Bailey says that a hopeful outlook requires “upgrading our verbal software.” Changing the words that we use, choosing to embrace a positive faith-filled outlook, with the understanding that “yes, a challenge is here, but I can chose a hopeful response.” Simon later remarked, “Do you realize that your brain is so powerful that it has a repository of experiences to remind you of how blessed you are?” Drawing from our inner well of gratitude is how we begin shaping a hopeful perspective. “If you are going to emerge, hope is the magnet that pulls you forward.”

For the those in our industry facing disruption, Simon urged them to explore the question, “What problem have I been created to solve? (Exploring this question) allows you to tap into the vault of your potential. Some of you during this pandemic have decided that you’re going to emerge and go after your dreams. You are about to get up and bust a move!” 

Simon appealed, “We, as people of faith, are the answer that this world needs right now. In a world of food insecurity, economic uncertainty, and (many) other problems, it’s time for us to come together, put our voices together, and say we’re reason for hope. Every single one of you – you are the ambassadors of hope.” Bailey’s message was layered with an abundance of inspiration and empowerment, concluding with, “You are getting ready to emerge and fly again. I believe in you. I celebrate you. You are brilliant. I love you, and there’s not a darn thing you can do about it!”


“It takes a team with hope to be inspiring.”
Dean Jones, RCMA Director of Conferences & Events

The RCMA team realized that meeting in-person for Emerge was not just vital to our members, but that it served to elevate the confidence of people across the meetings and hospitality industry. 

Emerge Conference Director Dean Jones articulated this hope: “We’ve strived to lead by example this week. Our sincere desire is that you’ll learn from this experience, and it’ll help you to bring reassurance to others that it’s safe to begin meeting again.”

This value was also expressed by RCMA Board Chair, Dr. Keith Kershaw: “By emerging and meeting this week, we want to provide hope to others. There is an excitement among planners and suppliers in this room, and we hope to carry this hope to the people we serve back home.

CRVA CEO Tom Murray emphasized the importance of this event, saying: “We are incredibly honored that you picked us to go through this really difficult time together. We’ve plowed the ground for the future for all of us, as we go back and host meetings, and for destinations that are getting ready to welcome business back to their hotels. We’ve all learned from this, and that collaboration and sense of oneness is an incredible thing that happened this week.” 


“It is my prayer for all of us that we will move by faith, having hope, a hope that guides us to walk in love. We will see better days in the future.” 
– Dr. Keith Kershaw, RCMA Board Chair

For RCMA, the name EMERGE has taken on a new, deeper meaning. It embodies a spirit of hopefulness; of moving forward together to higher ground; toward new opportunities, deeper connections, fresh innovations, and greater fulfillment and growth. 

We joyfully look forward to a new season of healing and hope for all in the meetings and hospitality community.


Michael Novelli 
Executive Editor, Aspire Magazine


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