The Human Need to Meet

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Juliano Lissoni, MCI Group Canada’s Managing Director, unpacks a deep scientific case for face-to-face business events in PCMA’s new article Business Events Recovery: 'We Have a Human Need to Meet’. Here are his three big points:

  1. We Have a Biological/Anthropological Need to Meet. Our brains are social by nature, we are wired to connect—to use language, social interaction, and behavior to try to understand the minds of others.

  2. We Have an Emotional Need to Meet. Being in a group event makes us feel more involved and conscious of the activity. Being in proximity often create positive, long-lasting memories that we desire to return to. Consequently, being in a group has a positive impact in our emotional lives.

  3. We Have an Economic Need to Meet. Connection and collaboration foster deeper learning and innovation. We learn not only from the available content, but also through our social intelligence and interactions. This translates to growth in our business and organization.


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