Standout Virtual Event Ideas 


The Event Manager’s Blog recently published 10 Standout Virtual Event Ideas From Around the Industry, written by Victoria Copans. All ten are winning ideas, so you should plan to read the entire article! Here are a few of our favorites:

High-Production Value Content On Demand

What prerecorded sessions may lack in real-time engagement they make up for in production value, as they benefit from the ability to be edited or enhanced. They also minimize people getting bored and tuning out of the live stream.

Intro Tutorial Video

Many attendees may not be used to navigating and attending online conferences and may need a little help. Making sure everyone is comfortable with the platform and familiar with how the event will work is an important step in ensuring attendees take advantage of everything you’ve implemented and get the most value out of it.

Incentives to Engage Online

Giveaways are always a good way to increase engagement with attendees and can be a fun addition to a virtual event. Although it's not quite as simple as handing an attendee their prize, there are virtual goodies you can offer, and there's still the option of mailing physical incentives to attendees following the event.


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