RCMA Board of Directors – Role, Responsibilities, & Nomination Process


The Role of the Board of Directors Overview

  • The Board of Directors is the principal governing body of RCMA and shall exercise full supervision and control of all its corporate association affairs.

  • Continuously seeks to promote the RCMA vision and purpose.

  • Provides oversight for and reviews and approves all RCMA financial matters.

  • Supports and works with the President/CEO, who is responsible for the activities and programs approved by the Board.

  • Is responsible for setting the direction for the organization and establishing policies to guide this direction.

  • Establishes and monitors the vision and plans for the future, including monitoring, updating and evaluating the implementation of strategic plans.

  • Build its community by recruiting members, enlisting participation and identifying future leaders of RCMA.

  • Values and promotes consensus, cooperation and participation among all members representing the interests of the entire association and not any particular segment.

Qualifications of Directors for Consideration

  • Nominees must be a professional planner or supplier partner member of RCMA for a minimum of three (3) years. Previous attendance of at least two (2) annual RCMA Conference and s is required.

  • Nominees must have significant leadership experience within the hospitality industry or related faith based organizations.

  • Nominees must have:

    • Commitment to the RCMA organization and its mission.

    • An understanding of the Bylaws and association governance model.

    • Knowledge about the programs and goals of the organization.

    • Capacity to focus that knowledge on decision making that benefits the organization as a whole.

    • Ability and eagerness to develop values, vision and the long-term future of RCMA.

    • Capability to participate with appropriate communication skills in the dialog and deliberation in a meeting.

    • An understanding and appreciation for the cultural and faith diversity of the RCMA Community

  • Nominees must be able to place the Association’s purposed interests above their own professional and personal interests when making Board considerations and decisions.

  • Nominees must understand that their fiduciary duty to the Association and its best interests entails loyalty, honesty and serving in good faith.

RCMA Board Service Criteria

  • Three (3) year term of service for Directors

  • Maximum six (6) years of service (2 terms)

  • Attendance at two (2) official board meetings that take place each year: January/February in conjunction with Annual Conference and Tradeshow; May/June visit to future Conference site

  • Participation in one conference call with President/CEO or Board Chair

  • New Board Members must participate in Board orientation as determined by Board Chair

  • Directors may be assigned to serve by Board Chair on a specific committee.

  • RCMA or its partners will cover designated airfare and hotel room nights only.

  • Directors are expected to assume personal responsibility for any additional expenses related to board and other meetings not specifically covered by above.

  • All hotel room assignments for meetings are ultimately under the control and supervision of RCMA. Any additional room nights and/or upgrades must be arranged by the RCMA office.

  • Airline arrangements and directions will be provided by RCMA Staff in conjunction with any participating hospitality partner engagement and/or planned RCMA activity.

  • Adherence to RCMA Code of Ethics

  • Compliance with Conflict of Interest Statement

  • Participation of Self-Evaluation (mid point in term of service)

RCMA Nomination Timeline 

  1. Call for nominations with a deadline of the 1st Monday of June. Nomination info is made available to the membership.

  2. Nominations are received and reviewed by the RCMA staff for basic eligibility requirements.

  3. Verified eligible nominations are forwarded to the RCMA Nominating Committee.

  4. Telephone and/or electronic interviews are conducted by members of the RCMA Nominating Committee.

  5. The RCMA Nominating Committee meets via conference call to review candidate application materials, interviews and reference letters. After appropriate consideration, the committee selects candidates for the slate of directors and reports to the President/CEO, no later than September 1.

  6. The President/CEO notifies the RCMA Board Chair and Directors no later than October 1.

  7. As per the By-Laws (Article V, Section 2) additional nominations for director positions may be made by written petition signed by six (6) percent of the membership. Such petitions must be received by the President/CEO no later than November 1.

  8. The slate proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be deemed set if there are no petition nominations received by the President/CEO by November 1.

  9. Such proposed slate shall be formally presented to the RCMA Board of Directors at the most immediate Annual Conference and for final consideration.

  10. During the official meeting of the RCMA Membership held at the annual conference the nominees will be ratified.

  11. New directors will assume office on the first day following RCMA’s Annual Conference and Tradeshow.

  12. Current Board members seeking a second term of service are required to participate in the same nomination process.


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